#freesoftware #datacommons #digitalcommons. Involved in @montera34 @civicwise @lab_place.
Mastodon: @skotperez@social.coop. PGP: http://voragine.net/skotperez.asc
Alfonso Sánchez Uzábal

#freesoftware #datacommons #digitalcommons. Involved in @montera34 @civicwise @lab_place.
Mastodon: @skotperez@social.coop. PGP: http://voragine.net/skotperez.asc
Créatrice de contenus de communication | sons | écrits
Twitter @cecilegalliard @jusdolive
The Ariège Urban Parliament wants to be a process to share thoughts, problems, experiences facing a global pandemic in Ariège. How has a rural territory such as Couserans county and its inhabitants lived in confinement? How did the inhabitants of Couserans, in Ariège, a rural and mountainous territory, experience the COVID-19 confinement? Did they adapt to the sanitary measures? And how did they do so? What are the response capacities of a small territory to a global pandemic? “Confiné.e en Couserans” is a series of conversations that offers a wide range of testimonials on the experience of confinement in rural areas. You will meet a school teacher, a retired artist, a pediatrician, a CNRS researcher, a high school student, a college student, a couple in search of autonomy, a librarian and a designer on a Civic Service mission in a rural fablab.
Laboratoire de fabrication – Laboratoire d’apprentissage – Espace de coopération
In Montera34 we analyze and visualize data to try to understand urban, social and cultural transformations; we develop software and we build digital infrastructures to enhance collaboration; we create production and meeting spaces, both temporary and permanent, to share technological learning, needs, doubts, data and analysis. We try to do all this using free data and tools, and we like to talk about why this is not always possible.