Bärbel Düsing

Cultural anthropologist specialising in urban development, border regimes, historical policies and the history of migration.
Independent Curator at Architekturzentrum Wien, Architecture Centre Vienna
@lucas_devolder, researcher & designer
Founder Member of the architecture group zuloark, a distributed architecture and urbanism office founded in 2001. Also currently teaching at the University of Arts in Berlin in the department of Architecture: Building Planning and Design and Head of Space in Making Futures (making-futures.com)
Constructlab (www.constructlab.net / I: @hello_constructlab) is the description of a collaborative spatial and artistic practice, working on ephemeral and permanent place-making from different local organisations: Berlin (DE), Fribourg (CH), Gent (BE), Valence (FR). The collaborators to projects share an approach to, rather than a method of making.
UR_EU 2020 Edition aims to expand the urban rights network to boost Europe’s solidarity by co-creating the first version for a European Parliament of Urban Rights.