Strategic plan to introduce citizen participation in identifying future challenges for the council of Llanes (Asturias) and to guide the drafting of its new Urban Planning Document through a cycle of parliamentary sessions in the villages, reviving the tradition of communal meetings in the form of public rural councils.
Territorio Moyano revitalizes Madrid’s Cuesta de Moyano as an outdoor cultural and reading space through a co-design process involving citizens and the Administration. It transforms this historic venue into a dynamic, community-driven area for book and culture enthusiasts. With about 70 participants including booksellers, local administration, and cultural agents, it fosters innovation in urbanism and social change. This project exemplifies how public spaces can creatively engage history, future, and sustainability.
URBAN PLANNING, ARCHITECTURE AND ANTHROPOLOGY WORKSHOP. MAKING THE CITY OF TODAY: FROM URBAN EXPERIMENTS TO DIY URBANISM. Our cities concentrate the significant problems of our society (speculation, tourism, pollution…). Still, at the same time, they are the place that harbours the hopes of a different society: more just, democratic and ecological. In recent times we Taller preparatorio orientado a los tutores del MEDS ‘Meeting Of Design Students’ cuya última edición se celebraba en Lisboa, en el que se les propuso aprender aprendiendo. De este modo desde Zuloark en el marco de su proyecto abierto ‘La Declaración Universal de los Derechos Urbanos’ se plantea un ejercicio paralelo al que
Les Marolles Realizado en colaboración con Fabric-Recyclart . Se construye un parlamento urbano en un proceso de talleres abiertos a los habitantes del barrio. Con esta actuación se pretende lograr la rehabilitación urbana de la Dalle de Brigittinnes, dotando de infraestructura a este lugar para que comience a ser utilizado y pueda dar cabida a
(Ur:be) Special video for DEMO:POLIS (12 March until 29 May, 2016) (DE/ENG) URL: UR_Archive: Lista de reproducción Youtube